Sunshine Nation 2014 全力支持藍天助學計劃

2014/08/20 (星期三)

相信最近有持續關注加拿大中文電台與本台夏日重頭戲之一Sunshine Nation 2014的朋友,對慈濟藍天助學計劃這個project不會陌生,因為今年加拿大中文電台將會把SSN的門票收益,捐贈給這個計劃,讓更多需要幫助的小朋友,可以感受到一份溫暖。而日前慈濟基金會加拿大分會的苗副執行長與愛心代表也接受了加居生活Q&A主持人Carmen的專訪,期望讓更多朋友瞭解慈濟藍天助學計劃這個相當有意義的活動。

In 2013, British Columbia had the highest child poverty rate in Canada, with one in every five children considered statistically poor. This is very hard to believe but also a fact. This year Sunshine Nation 2014 and Fairchild Radio  are making an effort to improve children poverty. We are donating the proceeds from ticket sales to Tzuchi Canada's Blue Sky Project! If you would like to learn more about this project, please click on the following link to recap Tzuchi Canada's recent interview at "Living Q&A" with Carmen!


Click HERE for the interview recap!


慈濟藍天助學計劃目前會請各學校提供需要早餐的學生人數,然後把款項交予校方,由教師採買,再由慈濟義工協助派發。他強調,顧及受助學生自尊,目的是讓孩子感到人間溫暖。因此若今年您有購買Sunshine Nation 2014總決賽的門票,除了有精彩的表演可看,也正有無數需要幫助的孩子,收到了您送給他們的Sunshine!