提起「歐陽靖 MC Jin」,你可能會有八分印象:「是個 rapper」。但如果說起他在 TVB 電視劇《潛行狙擊》中所扮演的 Laughing 哥得力助手「蠟青」,你立即會有十足記憶,而且連細節都記得清清楚楚:「噢!我知,我知,他就是那個兩肋插刀、有情有義,頸上還紋了一個『靖』字的卧底!」現實生活的歐陽靖 MC Jin 不是卧底,但頸上的刺青依然,而且一樣有情有義有性格,8 月底,MC Jin 將會來到溫哥華為 2014 Sunshine Nation 擔任特別表演嘉賓。
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Jin Au-Yeung, aka MC Jin, is an American Born Chinese rapper, song-writer and actor. At a young age, Jin fell in love with rap music and the Hip-hop culture. In 2002, he won 7 freestyle rap battles in a row, landing him in the “Freestyle Friday” Hall Of Fame. In the United States, he was both the first American solo rapper of East Asian and Hong Kong descent to be signed to a major hip hop record label. Since then MC Jin has moved to Hong Kong and became a household name. On top of music, he has been active in films and television, trying his hands in acting and hosting. This lead him to winning the "Most Improved Actor" at the annual TVB award show.
Jin is coming to Vancouver to peform his spectacular freestyle rap on stage at the 2014 Sunshine Nation finale, August 22 at Michael J. Fox Theatre. His story is very interesting, and we will go in depth to explore his lengendary career in the next few weeks.
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其實 MC Jin 大有來頭,他曾憑獨有的花式饒舌 (freestyle rap),在美國 BET 電視台連續七星期獲得《Freestyle Friday》環節的冠軍,其後更成為首位與美國 Ruff Ryders Entertainment 簽約的華裔歌手,甚至連奧巴馬 Barack Obama 也用他 rap 歌作競選美國總統歌曲之一。Rap,從來都不是香港的音樂主流,歐陽靖 MC Jin 卻能無師自通,一反傳統,rap 到入屋。挾着「全世界第一華人 rapper」的美譽, MC Jin 的入行可說是一個傳奇...
來源:channelAPA - Asian American Entertainment Youtube
MC Jin 出生於美國佛羅里達州邁阿密,父母是美國華僑。14 歲前 MC Jin 在美國還鍾情於香港流行音樂,尤其崇拜華語樂壇巨星張學友; 直至某天他聽到一首 rap 歌後, MC Jin 開始鑽研 Hip-hop 音樂。在創作 rap 歌的過程中, 他發現自己有 freestyle rap 的天份,從此立志成為專業的 rapper。何謂 freestyle rap? 即是在從無準備的情況下,根據周邊發生的事與物及個人感受即興而 rap,rap 得好與壞,取決於 rapper 對現場環境的靈敏性及臨場反應,是 rap 類別之中比較高難度的一種。
來源:王菀之 Ivana Wong Official Youtube
一部《潛行狙擊》讓大家記住了歐陽靖 MC Jin,Laughing 哥身邊的小跟班楊立青,花名「蠟青」。立 + 青 = 靖,楊立青是歐陽靖的分身,劇中他的真實身份是警察,然而多數時間是在黑社會當卧底,在旺角街頭「行古惑」。是 Laughing 哥的得力助手,「我楊立青,對天發誓,我撐 Laughing 哥會撐足一世!」歐陽靖將這個有點孬的古惑仔,演得生動又有人情味,其幽默的表演更被網民譽為杜汶澤的接班人,歐陽靖因「蠟青」一角人氣暴漲,並獲得「TVB 飛躍進步男演員」大獎。
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