Name   姓名Jeffrey Lei    雷梓珩

Age   年齡18

Horoscope   星座Sagittarius   射手座

Language   語言English 英文 、Cantonese 廣東話、 Mandarin 普通話

Hobbies   興趣Watching sunset 欣賞日落、Walking on the beach 沙灘漫步

Special Talent   特別才能Dancing    跳舞

Favorite Country/City   喜愛國家/城市Victoria    維多利亞

Favorite Music   喜愛音樂R & B 節奏藍調, ballads 情歌

Favorite Artists   喜愛藝人Lee-Hom Wang 王力宏、 Jay Chou 周杰倫

Favorite Idol Drama   喜愛偶像劇Beijing Love Story   北京愛情故事

Favorite Movie   喜愛電影Limitless

Favorite Color    喜愛顏色Black   黑

Favorite Animals   喜愛動物Akita Dog   秋田犬

Least Favorite Animals   討厭動物Bugs   昆蟲

Favorite Food   喜愛食物Spaghetti Bolognese   肉醬意粉

Least Favorite Food   討厭食物Sashimi   魚生

Most Memorable Moment   最難忘經歷Ride a roller coaster at the Playland   在遊樂場玩過山車

Most Embarrassing Moment   最尷尬事情Car owner suddenly rolled down the window when I used it as a mirror

Most Admired Person   最敬仰人物Jimmy Lin, he gets a good balance between work and life
林志穎, 他可以事業家庭兩兼顧

Best Attributes of my body   最滿意身體部位Hair, feasible to do any style   頭髮,可索性高,什麼髮型到可以弄到

Definition of Sunshine Nation   對 Sunshine Nation 的定義Being a Sunshine Boyz reminds me to embrace obstacles with a smile
Sunshine Nation 是對人生的一種態度,笑著迎接困難,便是 Sunshine Boyz

Goals/Dreams in Life    志願/夢想Have my own a stock exchange company   開一家証券所

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be?
Cao Ge   曹格

Last fashion purchase   最新購買的衣服或飾物? Suits   西裝

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are
Classic, Clean, Simple, Casual, Plain