Name   姓名Shirley Guo   郭銘菲

Age   年齡17

Horoscope   星座Pisces   雙魚座

Language   語言English 英文、 Cantonese 廣東話、 Mandarin 普通話、 French 法文

Hobbies   興趣Reading 看書、 Watching Movies 看電影、Listen to Music 聽音樂、Playing Piano 彈鋼琴、Guitar 結他 & Violin 拉小提琴

Special Talent   特別才能Chinese Dance 中國舞、K-Pop Dance 韓國流行舞、Playing Piano 彈鋼琴

Favorite Country/City   喜愛國家/城市Paris 巴黎、Venice 威尼斯

Favorite Music   喜愛音樂Light Music 輕音樂、Pop 流行曲、Classical 古典音樂

Favorite Artists   喜愛藝人Yang Mi 楊冪, Jay Chou 周杰倫, Liu Shishi 劉詩詩、Angelababy

Favorite Idol Drama   喜愛偶像劇My Love from the Star 來自星星的你 ,City Hunter 城市獵人 ,Scarlet Heart 2 步步驚情

Favorite Movie   喜愛電影Tiny Times 小時代、Animation from Hayao Miyazaki 宮崎駿動畫片

Favorite Color    喜愛顏色Purple 紫、Turquoise 湖水藍

Favorite Animals   喜愛動物Kittens 小貓、Dogs 狗

Least Favorite Animals   討厭動物Insects, especially bees   昆蟲,特別是蜜蜂

Favorite Food   喜愛食物French dessert 法國甜品、Sichuan cuisine 四川菜

Least Favorite Food   討厭食物I am not a picky eater    我不挑吃

Most Memorable Moment   最難忘經歷Shad Valley Program @ Laval University in Quebec City
參加Shad Valley交換生計劃,於魁北克市的 Laval University上課

Most Embarrassing Moment   最尷尬事情Didn’t know I need to push the bus door for it to open, ended up I didn’t get off the bus

Most Admired Person   最敬仰人物Father, he is funny and knowledgeable

Best Attributes of my body   最滿意身體部位Smiley Eyes   懂得笑的眼睛

Definition of Sunshine Nation   對 Sunshine Nation 的定義Spreading positive energy   充滿正能量

Goals/Dreams in Life    志願/夢想Travel around the world   環遊世界

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be?
Xiaolongnü    小龍女

Last fashion purchase   最新購買的衣服或飾物? Pink dress    桃紅色裙

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are
Relax, Crazy about hats & scarves, Korean, Multi-color, Simple