Name   姓名Kate Chai   柴華

Age   年齡16

Horoscope   星座Pisces   雙魚座

Language   語言English 英文、Cantonese 廣東話、Mandarin 普通話、French 法文、Japanese 日文

Special Talent   特別才能Singing   唱歌

Favorite Country/City   喜愛國家/城市Italy 意大利、Venice 威尼斯

Favorite Music   喜愛音樂Pop   流行曲

Favorite Artists   喜愛藝人J.J. Lin   林俊傑

Favorite Idol Drama   喜愛偶像劇My Love from the Star 來自星星的你

Favorite Movie   喜愛電影Transformers

Favorite Color    喜愛顏色Black 黑、White 白

Favorite Animals   喜愛動物Cat   貓

Favorite Food   喜愛食物Chicken   雞

Most Memorable Moment   最難忘經歷Brought a homeless cat back to my place three years ago, the cat has been a good friend of mine since then

Most Embarrassing Moment   最尷尬事情When I first moved to Vancouver, police took me home because I lost my way

Most Admired Person   最敬仰人物My singing teacher, she is low profile but has nurtured a lot of successful students

Best Attributes of my body   最滿意身體部位Bright smiley eyes   明亮會笑的大眼睛

Definition of Sunshine Nation   對 Sunshine Nation 的定義Show the best of me and increase my ability through competition

Goals/Dreams in Life    志願/夢想Singer   歌手

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be?
G.E.M.    鄧紫琪

Last fashion purchase   最新購買的衣服或飾物? T-Shirt

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are
Sunshine, Poised, Branding, Relax, Sporty